
Nicholas Jonas

“And when one thing doesn’t go our way, we begin to question.. we begin to fear what our next step will be. I had one of those moments about 4 and a half years ago when I got diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. and even though i feel like i’ve shared my story enough there is a moment in particular i want to share with you tonight, a moment i don’t talk about very often, usually you hear me say positive things like ‘ive moved on’ ‘ive pressed on’.. ‘i didn’t let it slow me down’ but i never tlk about the moment when i feared what the future was, when i asked the question ‘am i gonna die?’ my doctor looked back at me and said ‘no, you’re gonna be alright’ and then from that point on, i made the commitment that i wouldn’t let it slow me down, and so when that moment comes for you, in your own circumstance and in your own life, promise me one thing? don’t you ever, EVER let it slow you down. cause i believe in you, and i wanna thank all of you for believing in me. even when i had trouble believing in myself, so for that i say thankyou. now can you sing this out with me tonight….. you don’t know what you’ve got till it’s gone.."


Don't Take Anything For Granted

The moment you start to, is the moment everything falls apart. The moment you are really happy and content with life, something comes and makes you realize that life is not that easy. That we should not take happiness for granted or life, for what matters.

Even the waking up every morning is something we shouldn't take for granted. Because there might be a night where we go to sleep and never wake up.

It doesn't we should live in fear, in no way. She should live fearless, because we know that we live every time at its fullest and that we don't regret a thing.

So remember to live every moment like it was your last, because it might be, and never take the people and what you have for granted.