
Stories To Tell

I haven't written in a whole while and I think my english is every day worst; also I haven't had time for anything like all I do know is study for school and well get some time for my own. Though, the other day my friend who just created a blog, told me that I should keep writing in here; so I will.

I didn't have anything interesting about, just until few hours ago when I realized the piercing that I got on the earring got infected, yeah. I kind of new this was coming. See, I have extremely sensitive skin, I hit a little bit and I have a bruise. Also when I was a kid I had to wear gold earrings, if I didn't my ears got really red. So yea, I knew this was coming and my parents told me that it was going to get infected and that I should get a gold one, but I'll have to wait because they didn't have the money for it in that moment. I, like the stubborn person that I am, decided I was going to get it anyway. I wanted to, so I was going to. In the end, I ended with a infected ear, but I don't feel bad and I don't regret it (maybe I regret not taking to much care of it) I actually would do it again, and maybe I will. Well that make me think of how we sometimes want so bad to do something and people say that we shouldn't, but we do it anyway because well, it's OUR decision. We know the consequences but we want to do it anyways, because we want to live, to feel the experience.

Like when adults tells us that we shouldn't do that, because they have experience and they know what the results will be like. But hey! We have to live too, we would like to have those experiences and learn from then, and have a story to tell. That's why we do crazy things, I guess, to have something exciting to talk about. And well because we are crazy.

Like they say "to be old and wise you first have to be young and stupid". And I totally agree with that.

To another crazy experience,

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