
We Are Young and Stupid

I started drinking a year ago? I'm not sure. It was around one of my friend's birthday. If you read my last blog, you would understand what my idea of consuming alcohol was before that. I've always been the responsible child and what not. But I had a lot of stuff going throw my live and decided that it was time to live my age. To be young. Well, let me tell you. When you cross that line. There is no way back. You become young and stupid. But as they say "you can't be old and smart if you haven't been young and stupid."

I actually don't drink that much, just a few cups in parties and what not. Why do I drink? That's a simple and weird answer at the same time. I drink because I am normally a shy person and with a little of alcohol in my system I can do things that I wouldn't do while being sober. Also because I don't usually dance, so what's left is a
drinking. I mean, you can't sit and talk and being there doing nothing is kind of lame. Other reason is because it takes all my problems away, at least for a night. I feel so young, so stupidly young that it's wonderful.

Maybe I'm exaggerating things, I don't get wasted at parties, I only drink a few cups that go immediately to my system, because I'm weak.

Also I know if I wasn't in other environment I wouldn't be drinking. But it's where I live and the people I hang out. They are not but people, but again, it's society. So maybe I shouldn't be worrying about it so much. I just don't wanna cross the limit, if there is one, if I already cross it.

Anyways... I'm gonna keep living; young and stupid.

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