
What's wrong and what not?

I’ve always knew that a lot of stuff were bad. Like drinking, smoking, and doing drugs.

So when you are little you tell yourself that you would never do stuff like that. And you promise yourself you won’t end up like the adults. All messed up.

Then you wake up and realize what the world is. And that fighting against that is useless. You realize that after all, drinking is not that bad. What would a few drinks would do to you anyways? I mean, everyone does it. It’s not like you are gonna depend on alcohol. So, you end up drinking at one time of your teenager hood. You like it or maybe not. But that’s what the cool kids do. Then you find yourself drinking with your friends every weekend and get a little bit wasted every party more than the other.

And now even if you drink, you decide that smoking is something you would really never do. Until one night one of your friends invite you a cigarette and what not. That friend teaches you how to do it. You give it a try. There is no way back.

That’s when you realize in what kind of world you are involve. But you brush it off. You tell yourself that it's just part of being a teenager and totally forget about your wisdom worlds from when you were an innocent child.

One day you find out that your best friend, someone who you thought you knew better than anyone, is smoking weed. Weed?! You flipped out. Something is drinking or smoking. But weed? That’s wrong. Just way to wrong. You yell at your friend, tell him/her that he/she is crazy. You tell him/her that that’s illegal. And with that your friend laughs and tells you that drinking and smoking is illegal too, being an underage. You tell your friend that it’s not the same. But… is it? You justify yourself that weed is going to ruin his/her brain. But… doesn’t alcohol and smoking do the same?

Then is when you realize… and ask yourself. Is it really that different drinking and smoking from smoking weed? I mean, you always knew that weed was way too wrong. But… you also told yourself that about the drinking and smoking. And that just went away. You still think that alcohol is not going to ruin you the way weed would. But, it doesn’t matter. Both are wrong. Aren’t they? I mean, people do it all the time. But… people smoke weed all the time too. So.. where is the limit? And what is wrong?

Your head is a mess and you get a headache for thinking all that. You get tired of trying to figure everything up. Until you realize that this is all fault of society. And that this world is just to fucked up.

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