
Stories To Tell

I haven't written in a whole while and I think my english is every day worst; also I haven't had time for anything like all I do know is study for school and well get some time for my own. Though, the other day my friend who just created a blog, told me that I should keep writing in here; so I will.

I didn't have anything interesting about, just until few hours ago when I realized the piercing that I got on the earring got infected, yeah. I kind of new this was coming. See, I have extremely sensitive skin, I hit a little bit and I have a bruise. Also when I was a kid I had to wear gold earrings, if I didn't my ears got really red. So yea, I knew this was coming and my parents told me that it was going to get infected and that I should get a gold one, but I'll have to wait because they didn't have the money for it in that moment. I, like the stubborn person that I am, decided I was going to get it anyway. I wanted to, so I was going to. In the end, I ended with a infected ear, but I don't feel bad and I don't regret it (maybe I regret not taking to much care of it) I actually would do it again, and maybe I will. Well that make me think of how we sometimes want so bad to do something and people say that we shouldn't, but we do it anyway because well, it's OUR decision. We know the consequences but we want to do it anyways, because we want to live, to feel the experience.

Like when adults tells us that we shouldn't do that, because they have experience and they know what the results will be like. But hey! We have to live too, we would like to have those experiences and learn from then, and have a story to tell. That's why we do crazy things, I guess, to have something exciting to talk about. And well because we are crazy.

Like they say "to be old and wise you first have to be young and stupid". And I totally agree with that.

To another crazy experience,


You know what I hate?

That moment when you go to bed and you start thinking about all those things that hunted you around but you didn't have time to think during the day because you were to busy. But then it comes the moment of truth, when you face reality during those minutes and sometimes hours, thinking about shitty stuff about your life. Funny thing is that you mostly don't think how things are fine and stuff. No, you have to think about the shitty stuff. The dark stuff. And it sucks. It's like you don't realized how shitty everything is until you have time to stop and think about your life. And I always think that THAT moment is when you are about to sleep. I think maybe that's the reason most of people cry themselves to sleep.

The reason I've been thinking about this lately is because a lot of things have crushed in, and most of them are really not something good. And when the night comes I just want to go to bed and sleep and forget everything. But at that time all comes back to my mind and I just can't sleep. I've been taking some sleeping pills that help me sleep. But they take their time to take in. And that time is the worst. That's why lately I've been watching TV and leaving it on sleep mode. I watch TV until I don't remember at what time I felt asleep. And then I have a new day to start and to go to college. But I don't know how much that would help to keep me sane. I know I'll have to face all this stuff at one point. But for now, I'll put my TV on sleep mode and watch some TV and not worry about a thing. Because all I want it rest.


Nicholas Jonas

“And when one thing doesn’t go our way, we begin to question.. we begin to fear what our next step will be. I had one of those moments about 4 and a half years ago when I got diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. and even though i feel like i’ve shared my story enough there is a moment in particular i want to share with you tonight, a moment i don’t talk about very often, usually you hear me say positive things like ‘ive moved on’ ‘ive pressed on’.. ‘i didn’t let it slow me down’ but i never tlk about the moment when i feared what the future was, when i asked the question ‘am i gonna die?’ my doctor looked back at me and said ‘no, you’re gonna be alright’ and then from that point on, i made the commitment that i wouldn’t let it slow me down, and so when that moment comes for you, in your own circumstance and in your own life, promise me one thing? don’t you ever, EVER let it slow you down. cause i believe in you, and i wanna thank all of you for believing in me. even when i had trouble believing in myself, so for that i say thankyou. now can you sing this out with me tonight….. you don’t know what you’ve got till it’s gone.."


Don't Take Anything For Granted

The moment you start to, is the moment everything falls apart. The moment you are really happy and content with life, something comes and makes you realize that life is not that easy. That we should not take happiness for granted or life, for what matters.

Even the waking up every morning is something we shouldn't take for granted. Because there might be a night where we go to sleep and never wake up.

It doesn't we should live in fear, in no way. She should live fearless, because we know that we live every time at its fullest and that we don't regret a thing.

So remember to live every moment like it was your last, because it might be, and never take the people and what you have for granted.


We Are Young and Stupid

I started drinking a year ago? I'm not sure. It was around one of my friend's birthday. If you read my last blog, you would understand what my idea of consuming alcohol was before that. I've always been the responsible child and what not. But I had a lot of stuff going throw my live and decided that it was time to live my age. To be young. Well, let me tell you. When you cross that line. There is no way back. You become young and stupid. But as they say "you can't be old and smart if you haven't been young and stupid."

I actually don't drink that much, just a few cups in parties and what not. Why do I drink? That's a simple and weird answer at the same time. I drink because I am normally a shy person and with a little of alcohol in my system I can do things that I wouldn't do while being sober. Also because I don't usually dance, so what's left is a
drinking. I mean, you can't sit and talk and being there doing nothing is kind of lame. Other reason is because it takes all my problems away, at least for a night. I feel so young, so stupidly young that it's wonderful.

Maybe I'm exaggerating things, I don't get wasted at parties, I only drink a few cups that go immediately to my system, because I'm weak.

Also I know if I wasn't in other environment I wouldn't be drinking. But it's where I live and the people I hang out. They are not but people, but again, it's society. So maybe I shouldn't be worrying about it so much. I just don't wanna cross the limit, if there is one, if I already cross it.

Anyways... I'm gonna keep living; young and stupid.


What's wrong and what not?

I’ve always knew that a lot of stuff were bad. Like drinking, smoking, and doing drugs.

So when you are little you tell yourself that you would never do stuff like that. And you promise yourself you won’t end up like the adults. All messed up.

Then you wake up and realize what the world is. And that fighting against that is useless. You realize that after all, drinking is not that bad. What would a few drinks would do to you anyways? I mean, everyone does it. It’s not like you are gonna depend on alcohol. So, you end up drinking at one time of your teenager hood. You like it or maybe not. But that’s what the cool kids do. Then you find yourself drinking with your friends every weekend and get a little bit wasted every party more than the other.

And now even if you drink, you decide that smoking is something you would really never do. Until one night one of your friends invite you a cigarette and what not. That friend teaches you how to do it. You give it a try. There is no way back.

That’s when you realize in what kind of world you are involve. But you brush it off. You tell yourself that it's just part of being a teenager and totally forget about your wisdom worlds from when you were an innocent child.

One day you find out that your best friend, someone who you thought you knew better than anyone, is smoking weed. Weed?! You flipped out. Something is drinking or smoking. But weed? That’s wrong. Just way to wrong. You yell at your friend, tell him/her that he/she is crazy. You tell him/her that that’s illegal. And with that your friend laughs and tells you that drinking and smoking is illegal too, being an underage. You tell your friend that it’s not the same. But… is it? You justify yourself that weed is going to ruin his/her brain. But… doesn’t alcohol and smoking do the same?

Then is when you realize… and ask yourself. Is it really that different drinking and smoking from smoking weed? I mean, you always knew that weed was way too wrong. But… you also told yourself that about the drinking and smoking. And that just went away. You still think that alcohol is not going to ruin you the way weed would. But, it doesn’t matter. Both are wrong. Aren’t they? I mean, people do it all the time. But… people smoke weed all the time too. So.. where is the limit? And what is wrong?

Your head is a mess and you get a headache for thinking all that. You get tired of trying to figure everything up. Until you realize that this is all fault of society. And that this world is just to fucked up.

Shit Happens

I'm not normally a person who curses and stuff like that, but let's face it sometimes shit just happens. And that's life. Shit happens and we just have to face it. But sometimes it's just something that might look embarrassing for you but not for others. So you just have to laugh and brush it off.

So now I'll give you the chance to laugh. I burned my nose during chemistry class with hot glass.

Yeah... Maybe you should've been there.

That's what she said.

PS: I actually never got that "That's what she said" jokes. Whatevs.