

Don't you hate it when you have plenty of time but you don't want to do anything that pops your mind? Isn't that really stressing? .... Yeah I thought so...

I'm really not in the mood for reading, or watching TV or any of that things that normally I like to do. I can't even pick a friggin song to listen! And I think Nick Jonas just moaned in "State of Emergency" Ha, the things you noticed when you are not paying attention, say what?!

Anyways, back to my problem. I still can't find a good FF (Fan Fiction) I would like to read. Seriously, they are getting all the same and boring. Or maybe I'm just getting a little bit tired of the regular story. Joe is a douche bag, bad girl falls in love, they change, they have sex, they marry and they live happy ever after. Tell me something new.

And yeah, I'm talking about Jonas Brothers Fan Fiction, they are my guilty pleasure. What can I say? One of my dirty little secrets if you may say. Yeah, I know they are a boy band. Yeah I know that it might be weird to read fictional stories about people that actually exists. But hey! It's fun... or it used to be. It's really hard to find a good FF this days. Ha! It sounded like I've been reading them for ages. I started less than a year ago. Haha, it sounded like "Hi, my name is Fer. And I've been addicted to JBFF for less than a year." But, no seriously, if you are into that (now it sounded like sex, gag me with a spoon!) would you be kind to send me recommendations. I read all kind of FFs, instead incest...that's just way to weird.

Kay, this ranting was REALLY weird. I'm sorry... I usually rant weird stuff when I'm bored and don't know what to do with my life. HA!

Also, as you can see, I sometimes don't have a filter in my mouth. Or actually in my writing. But that's just the way I roll. (Yes! I'm a JB fan! Guilty *wink*)

- Fer

PS - How did I end up listening a Justin Bieber song? I thought I was going all gaga! HA!

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